Working musically with children in hospital pediatric ward settings

Songbirds & The Royal Northern College of Music

In 2023 Songbirds and the RNCM launched a new professional development programme for 8 musicians to work alongside Songbirds musicians, health play specialists and children & families across 4 hospital sites within Manchester Foundation Trust. The project will develop musicians’ skills & experience to use their music in hospital settings, build networks and enable musicians to further their own career in this setting.

We have now shortlisted 8 successful applicants who will be working with us over the next 6 months, helping us to extend the reach of our programme to child patients and families across 4  MFT hospital sites -  Manchester, Wythenshawe, North Manchester and Trafford.

We were very impressed with the standard of the successful applicants and look forward to working with them at our first training sessions.

After initial training, students will work in pairs to deliver a series of sessions independently, in conjunction with play staff from the Therapeutic and Specialised Play Services under manager Susan Fairclough. We’ll be sharing updates over the next few months - watch this space!

What’s involved?

Introductory training: 3 days of practical workshops and skills training, introduction to working in paediatric hospital settings and connecting with professionals in this field

Shadowing visits:
Led by Songbirds Specialist Musicians – observing work in practice in ward spaces at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Fledgling residency:
An opportunity to work in pairs to deliver 4 sessions in a paediatric ward, supported by the Songbirds team and Health Play Staff

Creative reflection:
Participation in an end of project meet-up and the opportunity to share your learning journey through the Songbirds website and networks

RNCM Fledglings Training Weekend Scrapbook